Søk: '11/9'
ISBN 9788249500932 , 2001 , Noam Chomsky
Fahrenheit 9/11: en offisiell guide
ISBN 9788203232268 , 2005 , Michael Moore
The Muslim World After 9/11
ISBN 9780833037121 , 2004 , Ian O. Lesser, Cheryl Benard, Angel Rabasa,m.fl.
Professor Tronstads krig: 9. april 1940 - 11. mars 1945
ISBN 9788203293863 , 2014
The Muslim World After 9/11
ISBN 9780833035349 , 1999 , Ian O. Lesser, Cheryl Benard, Angel Rabasa,m.fl.
Music in the Post-9/11 World
ISBN 9780415978071 , 2007 , Jonathan Larry Ritter, James Martin Daughtry
Music in the Post-9/11 World
ISBN 9780415978064 , 2007 , Jonathan Larry Ritter, James Martin Daughtry
Class 11: Inside the CIA's First Post-9/11 Spy Class
ISBN 9780525949299 , 2006 , T. J. Waters
Wounded City: The Social Impact of 9/11
ISBN 9780871542649 , 2005 , Nancy Foner
11 %: roman
ISBN 9788234010446 , 2023
Eliteserien: 11
ISBN 9788242944436 , 2011
The Long Shadow of 9/11: America's Response to Terrorism
ISBN 9780833058331 , 2011 , Brian Michael Jenkins
Looming Tower, The: Al Qaeda's Road to 9/11
ISBN 9780141029351 , 2007 , Lawrence Wright
Berlin 11
ISBN 9781786577962 , 2019
11 i 11: Aschehoug barn og ungdom presenterer 11 nye stemmer i 2011
ISBN 9788203254000 , 2011
9/11 and American Empire, Volume 1: Intellectuals Speak Out
ISBN 9781566566599 , 2007 , Peter Dale Scott, David Ray Griffin
Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present
ISBN 9780226532608 , 2010 , W. J. T. Mitchell
Faktor 9
ISBN 9788202456665 , 2017 , Espen Hjardar
Menneskejakten : USAs krig mot Osama bin Laden : fra 11/9 til Abbottabad
ISBN 9788202437626 , 2014 , Peter L. Bergen, Osama Bin Laden,m.fl.
Pondus 11: 11 i hatten
ISBN 9788242945785 , 2012 , Frode Øverli
Gruppe 11
ISBN 9788205415546 , 2011
Menneskejakten : USAs krig mot Osama bin Laden : fra 11/9 til Abbottabad
ISBN 9788202380564 , 2012 , Peter L. Bergen, Osama Bin Laden,m.fl.
November 9
ISBN 9781471154621 , 2015 , Colleen Hoover
Eliteserien: 9
ISBN 9788242944412 , 2011
Matemagisk 9
ISBN 9788203407765 , 2020 , Anne Karin Wallace, Asbjørn Lerø Kongsnes
Faktor 9
ISBN 9788202456634 , 2017 , Espen Hjardar
Syk kapittel 1-11
ISBN 9788202450076 , 2014 , Vegard Bruun Wyller
Nvivo 11 Essentials
ISBN 9781329782440 , 2016 , Bengt Edhlund
På nåler: 11 stoffmisbrukere, 11 familier, 11 historier
ISBN 9788245807189 , 2004 , Frode Kaafjeld, Pippip Ferner
Preventing Surprise Attacks: Intelligence Reform in the Wake of 9/11
ISBN 9780742549470 , 2005 , Richard A. Posner