Søk: 'Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach'
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211655 , 2001 , Kenneth H. Tucker
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211648 , 2001 , Kenneth H. Tucker
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781452203621 , 2015 , Scott Appelrouth
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412952361 , 2007 , Peter J. Kivisto
Capitalism and Classical Social Theory
ISBN 9781487588182 , 2019 , John A. Bratton, David Denham
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412905596 , 2004 , Peter Kivisto
Capitalism and Classical Social Theory
ISBN 9781442606531 , 2014 , John Bratton, David Denham
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781544354828 , 2020 , George Ritzer, Jeffrey N. Stepnisky
Cultural Theory: Classical and Contemporary Positions
ISBN 9780761948636 , 2007 , Tim Edwards
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9781412992336 , 2011 , Laura Desfor Edles, Scott A. Appelrouth
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212881 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen, Heine Anderson
Multimodality: A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Communication
ISBN 9780415320610 , 2009 , Gunther Kress
Classical and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780631212874 , 2000 , Lars Bo Kaspersen, Heine Anderson
Capitalism and Classical Social Theory, Third Edition
ISBN 9781487588212 , 2019 , David Denham (University of Wolverhampton, UK),m.fl.
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9781506387994 , 2020 , 4. utgave , Scott Appelrouth, Laura D Edles
ISBN 9780077108625 , 2004 , George Ritzer
Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach
ISBN 9781557865380 , 1996 , Brian Fay
Contemporary Sociological Theory: Expanding the Classical Tradition
ISBN 9780131850514 , 2005 , Ruth A. Wallace, Alison Wolf
Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory: Visualizing Social Worlds
ISBN 9781412992770 , 2013 , Kenneth D. Allan
Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary & Global Approach
ISBN 9781526461155 , 2020 , David Deakins, Scott Jonathan M.
Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory: Visualizing Social Worlds
ISBN 9781412978200 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9780761927938 , 2008 , Scott Appelrouth, Laura Desfor Edles
Contemporary sociological theory: expanding the classical tradition
ISBN 9780137876563 , 1999 , Ruth A. Wallace, Alison Wolf
Introducing Multilingualism: A Social Approach
ISBN 9781138244498 , 2017 , Jean Jacques Weber, Kristine Horner
Consumer Behavior - Classical and Contemporary perspectives: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives
ISBN 9789144116815 , 2017 , Anders Parment, Mikael Ottosson,m.fl.
Business Analytics: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9781137610607 , 2018 , Thomas W. Jackson, Steven Lockwood
Contemporary philosophy of social science : a multicultural approach
ISBN 9781557865373 , 1991 , Brian Fay
Contemporary sociological theory: continuing the classical tradition
ISBN 9780131725867 , 1991 , Ruth A. Wallace, Alison Wolf
Introducing Multilingualism: A Social Approach
ISBN 9780415609975 , 2012 , Jean Jacques Weber, Kristine Horner
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory - International Student Edition: Text and Readings
ISBN 9781071808481 , 2020 , 4. utgave , Appelrouth Scott, Laura D. Edles