Søk: 'The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric'
The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric
ISBN 9780521535250 , 2003 , Frank Schimmelfennig
The Europe Dilemma: Britain and the Drama of EU Integration
ISBN 9781780762234 , 2014 , Roger Liddle
The Europe Dilemma: Britain and the Challenges of EU Integration
ISBN 9781780762227 , 2014 , Roger Liddle
Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules
ISBN 9781849466127 , 2015 , Albert Sanchez Graells
Ambivalent neighbors: the EU, NATO and the price of membership
ISBN 9780870031991 , 2002 , Anatol Lieven, Dmitrii Trenin
The Future of Europe: Integration and Enlargement
ISBN 9780415324847 , 2004
EU and NATO Relations with Russia: After the Collapse of the Soviet Union
ISBN 9781472461100 , 2015
No rules rules: Netflix and the culture of reinvention
ISBN 9780753553664 , 2020
The Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle
ISBN 9781387900572 , 2018 , Aristotle, Ingram Bywater, John Henry Freese
ISE A History of Europe in the Modern World
ISBN 9781260548051 , 2019 , 12. utgave , Lloyd Kramer, Joel Colton, R. R. Palmer
The Dynamics of European Integration: Why and When EU Institutions Matter
ISBN 9781403936349 , 2005 , Derek Beach
Becoming Europe: Immigration, Integration, and the Welfare State
ISBN 9780822958451 , 2004 , Patrick Ireland
The EU and Neighbors: A Geography of Europe in the Modern World
ISBN 9780471655541 , 2007 , Brian W. Blouet
End of History and the Last Man, The
ISBN 9780241991039 , 2020 , 1. utgave , Francis Fukuyama
Classical Rhetoric and the Visual Arts in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780521844352 , 2007 , Caroline van Eck
Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration
ISBN 9780415180153 , 2000 , Cris Shore
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour 4e
ISBN 9780077189624 , 2019 , Holt, Bremner, Sutherland, Vliek, Passer
NATO: The Power of Partnerships
ISBN 9780230273771 , 2011
Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration
ISBN 9780415180146 , 2000 , Cris Shore
Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor
ISBN 9780230251656 , 2011 , Jonathan Charteris-Black
The Death of the Baroque and the Rhetoric of Good Taste
ISBN 9780521843416 , 2005 , Vernon Hyde Minor
Words and rules : the ingredients of language
ISBN 9780753810255 , 2000 , Steven Pinker
Genre and the New Rhetoric
ISBN 9780748402564 , 1994 , Freedman, Aviva, Medway, Peter
The Summer of Broken Rules
ISBN 9781728210292 , 2021
Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation
ISBN 9783830516354 , 2009 , Gunnar Fermann
The rhetoric of fictionality: narrative theory and the idea of fiction
ISBN 9780814210697 , 2007 , Richard Walsh
Dilemmas of European Integration: The Ambiguities and Pitfalls of Integration by Stealth
ISBN 9780199556809 , 2009 , Giandomenico Majone
Love and the Idea of Europe
ISBN 9781845455224 , 2009 , Luisa Passerini, Anthony Waine
The Rules of People
ISBN 9781292191638
The Immigrant Threat: The Integration Of Old And New Migrants In Western Europe Since 1850
ISBN 9780252072949 , 2006 , Leo Lucassen