Søk: 'computers'
Computers Are Your Future: Introductory
ISBN 9780132545181 , 2011 , Cathy LaBerta, Catherine LaBerta
How computers work
ISBN 9780789730336 , 2004 , Ron White, Timothy Edward Downs
Computers and Typesetting
ISBN 9780201734164 , 2000 , Donald E. Knuth
Computers Are Your Future Complete
ISBN 9781292021058 , 2013 , Catherine LaBerta
Computers Are Your Future, Introductory
ISBN 9780135092811 , 2010 , Catherine LaBerta
Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World
ISBN 9780262537018 , 2019
Using Computers in History
ISBN 9781403934154 , 2005 , Sonja Cameron, Sarah Richardson
Computers and Intractability
ISBN 9780716710455 , 1979 , Michael R. Garey
Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780323851282 , 2022 , Marilyn Wolf
Computers Are Your Future: Introductory
ISBN 9780137146932 , 2008 , Diane M. Coyle
Computers and Exploratory Learning
ISBN 9783540592020 , 1995 , Andrea DiSessa, Celia Hoyles, Richard Noss
Computers Are Your Future: Introductory
ISBN 9780132429368 , 2007 , Bill Daley
Computers Are Your Future: Complete
ISBN 9780132429399 , 2007 , Bill Daley
Computers and the Cosmos
ISBN 9780705409261 , 1988
Computers As Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780123884367 , 2012 , Marilyn Wolf
Electric Dreams: Computers in American Culture
ISBN 9780814727409 , 2005 , Ted Friedman
Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780128053874 , 2016 , Marilyn Wolf
Computers and Design in Context
ISBN 9780262112239 , 1997 , Lars Mathiassen, Morten Kyng
Computers, Ethics and Social Values
ISBN 9780131031104 , 1995 , Deborah G. Johnson, Helen Fay Nissenbaum
Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780323851299 , 2022 , Marilyn Wolf
Personal Computers Six in One
ISBN 9780789714237 , 1997 , Lisa A. Bucki
Structural Geology and Personal Computers
ISBN 9780080431109 , 1996 , Declan G. De Paor
Computers: Tools for an Information Age
ISBN 9780131227231 , 2004 , H. L. Capron, James A. Johnson
An Introduction to Optics in Computers
ISBN 9780819408259 , 2002 , Henri H. Arsenault, Yunlong Sheng
Computers: tools for an information age
ISBN 9780130919540 , 2002 , H. L. Capron, James A. Johnson
Understanding the Digital World: What You Need to Know about Computers, the Internet, Privacy, and Security, Second Edition
ISBN 9780691219097 , 2021 , Kernighan Brian W.
Computers Are Your Future, Complete: International Edition
ISBN 9780131580145 , 2008 , Bill Daley, William E. Daley
Computers in Nursing: Concepts and Issues
ISBN 9780781715577 , 1999 , Linda Q. Thede
Computers are Your Future 2006: Complete edition
ISBN 9780131968837 , 2005 , Bill Daley, Marion Wood
Data-Parallel Programming on Mimd Computers
ISBN 9780262082051 , 1992 , Philip J. Hatcher, Michael Jay Quinn